Supported by top healthcare providers and industry professionals
Paul Turek, MD, FACS
Director, The Turek Clinic
Paul J. Turek MD, FACS, FRSM is Director of The Turek Clinics men’s health clinics in Beverly Hills and San Francisco. As a former Endowed Chair Professor at UCSF, he is a highly decorated teacher, mentor and internationally recognized authority on issues of men’s sexual and reproductive health.
Dr. Turek attended Yale College, followed by Stanford Medical School. After a urology residency at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Turek was fellowship trained at Baylor College of Medicine. His over 200 publications have advanced our knowledge of stem cells, fertility genetics, Sperm Mapping and the epidemiology of men’s reproductive health. He is Past-President of the American Society of Andrology and the Society of Male Reproduction and Urology. He is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, the Société Internationale d’Urologie and the Royal Society of Medicine (U.K). He has consistently been voted a “Top Doctor” by seven national accrediting agencies for the last decade.
Dr. Turek has received an NIH grant to develop an artificial testicle. He is a consultant to Healthcare 2.0 organizations, is a board member of several non-profits, and regularly advises the NIH, the CDC and The White House. Dr Turek maintains an award-winning blog on men’s health issues and is a syndicated contributor to WedMD.
Dr. Turek joined Inherent as an advisor because, “We are put on this earth to, among other things, reproduce. So, when fertility goes wrong, you might think that something pretty important is happening. Epigenetics will explain a lot of that ‘important’ stuff!”